Ellis Vision and Equity Statement

At Ellis, we are learners. We celebrate our mistakes, because that is when we do our best learning and unlearning. Our school prioritizes the importance of educating and supporting the needs of the whole child, and believes that actively confronting all systems of oppression are necessary for students to thrive in and outside of our school walls. We acknowledge that families are the experts on the strengths and needs of their children, and we commit to working collaboratively to ensure each individual student experiences a joyful, safe, and engaging school experience.


The Lovve Project

Behind the scenes: What it takes to get food into the hands of Ellis Families Have you ever wondered just how, exactly, we’re able to feed a couple hundred families every month? Today we’re sharing photos from a typical Tuesday atContinue Reading

We’re a Green School!

Ellis Elementary School is proud to be a GREEN school in the Preliminary 2023 Framework Results from the Colorado Department of Education. This is the highest rating that a school can receive! Ratings are based on student outcomes on key performanceContinue Reading

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Calling all Eagles! Do you know who the Planning, Design, and Construction team are at Denver Public Schools? If you didn’t before, you will now! They have a special message for our school as we head into the New Year, let’s take a look at our bond-funded construction progress report, given to us by Mr. T! #2020bond

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Spring Break- No School