Jenni Scobey


Picture of Ms. Jenni



Student Services

Students call me*: Ms. Jenni

Family: I am the mom to two boys, ages 16 and 19 and have been married to my husband, John, for 20 years.

Colleges/Degrees: I attended the University of Kansas (Go Jayhawks!) for six years, earning both my undergraduate and masters degrees there.

Why I work in education: I have worked in a medical setting and found that I love working with students in their main ‘habitat.’ School is a place where we can help them grow in every way and I love being part of that team! This is my 27th year working in the Denver Public Schools and my 12th year at Ellis.

Hobbies/In my spare time: In my spare time, I enjoy reading, exercising, spending time with my family in the beauty of outdoor Colorado, and love to travel when I can. I learned to play tennis this summer and have been enjoying playing with friends and getting better every time I practice.