Jordan Neill


Picture of Ms. Jordan standing in front of a window




Family: I live in Aurora, Colorado with my husband, Ian, our pup Kono, and cat Aiyanna. My parents, siblings, and grandparents also live in Colorado and I get to see them often!

Colleges/Degrees: I attended Metropolitan State University of Denver for my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. I then attended the University of Colorado Denver for my Master’s degree in Literacy Education. 

Why I work in education: My favorite part about working in education and teaching young children is watching them learn to read! 

Education career path (how long you’ve been a teacher/in education; how long in DPS): I have worked in childcare and education for the majority of my adult life. I taught pre-school for 4 years before I started teaching kindergarten in DPS. This is my fifth year in DPS.

Hobbies/In my spare time: I enjoy running, camping, and reading. I read mostly non-fiction books about world history and politics.